Jul 27, 2010


Sunday marked the beginning of the Murphy's two week vacation in Virginia. Life was much different this time last year.

Seeming to miss Steve more each day.

1 comment:

John M. Souder said...

Larissa, I'm sure you DO miss Steve more each day. I feel the same emptiness without Susan near me - physically. I do sense her spirit near me often.
You may want to read Jerry Sittser's book "A Grace Disguised". I have read and reread it. To quote him "life is like a motion picture which becomes a snapshot at death"....snapshots are nice to look at but lifeless. This is plain reality.
Another quote is "God's forgiveness will show us that he wants to take our losses and somehow bring them back upon us in the form of a blessing. This work of grace will not erase the loss or alter its consequences. Grace cannot change the moral order. What is bad will always be bad. But grace will bring good out of a bad situation; it will take an evil and somehow turn it into something that results in good.....like the crucifixion." Thoughts like these keep me moving on and looking up.
Bless you,
John S.