Apr 25, 2012

I walked a mile with pleasure;
She chattered all the way,
But left me none the wiser
for all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow;
And ne'er a word said she;
But,oh, the things I learned from her
when sorrows walked with me.

Robert Browning Hamilton "Along the Road"

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hi, I wanted to e-mail you personally, but couldn't work out how to, so i'm just going to write here...

I came across your blog after watching your video on the Desiring God site and I wanted to say thank you for sharing your story.

I love the quote on this post too. It is true. I have learnt much more from sorrow than from pleasure. I was encouraged by your story. I have severe epilepsy. It started in my early 20's. I'm almost 30 now. There is nothing that can be done for me. I have very regular seizures that can't be controlled. And so my whole life has been changed by this. I've spent the last decade dying to my natural hopes and dreams - having to quit uni, seeing friends marry and have children and work and go on trips abroad and do all sorts of things that i just can't really do and so on. But yet in my sorrow and in the daily things i encounter from my illness, i've learnt, like you guys, that true joy and satisfaction comes from Jesus... and He, as the man of sorrows, understands all our sorrow too and always walks with us. I'm so thankful for God's goodness to me and His sovereignty. And i always love reading and hearing stories like yours, which remind me i'm not alone, and encourage me again that Jesus is the One who sustains and carries and walks with us and is totally worthy of all praise. I also gave up hope of ever being able to get married. I presumed that no-one would be able to take on all that marrying me would involve. Thank you for showing me that i was wrong to presume this. I'm so glad you guys got married and have showed that God's love is enough for two people to walk together in marriage, despite disability.

God bless you both, Becky