One of the biggest ripples of Steve's death is how it's changed our longing for heaven. Ian and I know that the ultimate joy of heaven is Christ. We get that. But we can't help but be just as excited, if not more, to see Steve again and experience his perfect love for us. Steve is not more important than Christ, but Ian and I have a very clear understanding of what Steve's love for us was here on earth. To counter that, sometimes it's really hard to understand God's love and sometimes doesn't feel as tangible as the love we have from our earthly father. Steve is Ian's dad. Steve was a father figure to me, second only to my own dad. Steve loves us now with a perfect, sinless love. We think about how well he cared for us on earth, multiply that by a million, and that is the perfect love that he has stored up for us just waiting to shower us with when we get to heaven with him.
I asked Ian if this train of thought is unbiblical, and he said it's not, because we have such finite minds. Steve's love for us on earth is a reflection of Christ's love for us. Steve's death should make us long for heaven more. Gosh, we can't wait to see him again.
We talked about heaven tonight, and when I asked Ian what he's looking forward to about heaven, he said "what isn't there to look forward to?" He then told me that he's excited for a new body. I can't wait for that.
Thank you all for praying. Wanting heaven more and more each day.