Jun 14, 2007

I was thinking today that it would be really cool to be able to read to Ian a list of the people who are reading this blog and praying for him. So, if you read the blog and pray for Ian, leave a comment on this post with your name and where you're from. I think it would be very encouraging for him as well as for us.
Thank you again for praying.



1 – 200 of 835   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

Always praying for you Ian! Praying that God will continue to do great and mighty things in your life! Kurt & Lisa-Belleville, PA

Anonymous said...

God is faithful, Ian. I will keep praying for you and your family. Larissa, you are in my prayers as well. You are all on the prayer list at World Outreach Church.
Rochelle Ritchey - Murfreesboro, TN

Anonymous said...

I've never met Ian but I've been reading the blog and praying for him and his family since I learned of the car crash just days after it happened.

Laura Schmucker - Warren, Ohio

Anonymous said...

hey larissa Im still down here in Mexico but I still think of Ian alot and hope and pray for him each day-josh brown

Anonymous said...

Praying for you Ian! I am praying that God will use this time in your life to strengthen you and bring people to Him! Jen- West Chester, PA

Anonymous said...

Nora from Sacramento, CA

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, Larissa & your family Ian. I'm looking forward to the day when you'll be able to share with each of us just a snipit of how God has allowed you to know and love Him in a way that is unique to you.

Anonymous said...

I pray for Ian all the time and every Sunday, my Sunday School kids, age 5-11, pray for him as well.
Elisabeth Baldwin, Long Beach, CA

Anonymous said...

I can't stay away! It is such a testimony to God's faithfulness to watch the way that He is using you in so many people's lives, Ian. And thanks to all you bloggers who share your thoughts in such a God-glorifying way. Isn't it good to know that "I will never leave you nor forsake you" also includes that He will never cease using us for His glory? Dorah--Indiana, Pa

Anonymous said...

I have introduced you to our staff, and we have prayed for the Lord's miracle in your lives.
Sharon - Peacemaker Ministries

Anonymous said...

Dear Ian,
I am praying for you every day. It is so encouraging to read what wonderful things the Lord is doing in your life and in the lives of those you love. The Lord loves us all so much!
Jean R.

Anonymous said...

Praying for healing and the entire family.

- Ian Lotinsky

Elizabeth said...

Elizabeth from South Carolina

Anonymous said...

Ian, I don't know you or your family but my church and I are praying for you daily!

Stacy L - Silver Spring, MD

Anonymous said...

I constantly look for updates, praises and concerns several times a day. Praying for and anxiously awaiting to hear of the next miracle, great or small. My daughter Kristin is an IUP student - and I'm just a mom who cares. :)
Apollo, Pa

Suzanne said...

Praying for Ian in Knoxville, TN.

Anonymous said...

Brenda Jekel
Covenant Life Church, Gaithersburg

Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ian and to all, you have been on our hearts and in our prayers from day 1. will continue to be also!!!!
The Mohney's, Indiana

Anonymous said...

Praying daily for Ian and those who love and care for him.
Terri S., Grand Rapids, MI

Anonymous said...

We are friends of the Bergers and check the blog daily. We are praying for you!
The Swanson Family- New Orleans,LA

Janice Phillips said...

Hi, I read your blog almost every day and am encouraged to by your humble transparancy. Your commitment to the gospel is amazing and such a testimony. I pray for Ian upon every remembrance.

Janice Phillips, Davis, California

Anonymous said...

Our family is with yours in prayer for Ian, we have mutual friends. Looking forward to the day we may possibly meet. God will bless
The Minori family-Tipton Pa

Anonymous said...

I am praying for all of you and especially for Ian! May God's peace be with you all! Philippians 4:6-7
Olivia from Napa, CA

Anonymous said...

I've been praying for Ian!
Tara Daukas- Sovereign Grace AZ

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray, the Kurtz's in Altoona, PA

Anonymous said...

Hannah Helms - Bristow, VA

Anonymous said...

I don't know Ian, but I know Larissa's sister Lisa, and I've been checking this blog and praying for Ian, his family and Larissa since the day I heard about this accident. It is such an encouragement to read this blog and watch how God shapes each of you through this trial. You remain faithful to Him, no matter what happens. You guys are a blessing and encouragement to others! We don't know when Ian will wake up, or even if he will, but God does!! :) PRAY FOR IAN!!!

Shannon Q.

P.S. Lisa if you read this shoot me an email at SQuilty80@yahoo.com. We've lost touch and that makes me very sad. :( I think we need to change that. I'd LOVE to hear from you!

Teresa said...

I'm still praying for the day when I open this blog and see "Ian has spoken - he's awake." But in the meantime I continue to be amazed at the faith shared on this blog by the Murphys, Larissa and the Altrogges. Just looking at all the people that have signed this board, there are people all over praying for you - and being encouraged by your trust in our great God. Ian, I don't know if you remember me, but I am from CrossWay Church of Lancaster and my daughter, Nicole, met you and Larissa at New Attitude last year. There are many people in Lancaster, PA, who continue to faithfully pray for your full recovery. God is good all the time, all the time God is good!
Teresa Baker

Anonymous said...

Hi! I've never met Ian or his family, but I ran across this blog several months ago... and have been checking back often and praying for Ian. Your testimony to God's grace throughout even the most difficult times is such a joy to read about! Be blessed.
Cora K - Phoenix, AZ

Anonymous said...

Still Praying!

Mary Ann K.
Derry, PA

Sovereign Grace Church of Indiana

Anonymous said...

Our family prays for you everyday, Ian. We have been so encouraged by what the Lord is doing in your life and the lives of your family! We check in everyday to see how we can pray specifically... we will continue to ask God for great things!
The Calvetti Family
Pittsburgh, PA

Anonymous said...

Hey Laris!
Great idea... I'm sure it will be very encouraging for Ian to hear the names of everyone who is praying for him. I pray for Ian often as well as for you and the Murphys. Love you guys!
~Sarah Kearney (Indiana, PA)

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog link when browsing the Solo Femininity site months ago. I've been praying for both Ian, and you Larissa - I check back often to read of your progress.
God is clearly holding you in the palm of His hand - He will never let you go.
Bronwyn from Cape Town, South Africa

Anonymous said...

Hello! We're Darryl and Donna Wenger, from Harrisburg, PA...Living Hope Church.

We remember chatting with Ian and David getting on the same plane to go home from NA06.

We, along with our four kids, Laura(16), Liz(14), John(11), and Emma(10)...are praying for Ian!

Anonymous said...

I am praying for Ian and all of you. I have never met the Murphy family but I wonder if we have crossed paths at Celebrations at IUP.
Your blogs alway encourage me to press on in God! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

Lolly DiMaio
Covenant Fellowship Church a part of Sovereign Grace Ministries its in Glen Mills PA.
I live in West Chester PA :)

Anonymous said...


We are praying for you diligently!

-Phil, Amanda, & Benjamin Kim

Anonymous said...

Ben and Kelly Ross Reading, PA

Anonymous said...

I continue to pray for the whole family. You all are such an inspiration to how God pours out his grace. I look forward to the day Ian walks into the church building and shares his wonderful life story.

Anonymous said...

I have been checking in the blog and praying for Ian, though I have never met you all. It is so encouraging to read of God's faithfulness. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

I've prayed everyday since I first found your blog via the girltalk blog. Praise God for each little incremental step and for your continued faithfulness in His plan for Ian.
Bradenton, FL

Courtney said...

What a testimony your whole family has been of a household that truly places their trust in the Lord!

~Courtney from California
(Sovereign Grace Church of Pasadena)

Anonymous said...

You're doing great Ian. We'll keep praying.

Alicia Joy LeBlanc

Anonymous said...

I don't even remember how I found this blog. But since then I read it frequently and pray for you as well.
God bless you!
Stefanie D., Germany

Anonymous said...

I read about Ian and Larissa at the Solo Femininity blog (Carolyn McCulley's) and have been praying for y'all ever since.

Cait- Slippery Rock/ Squirrel Hill Neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA

Anonymous said...

We knew Ian when he was much younger. We moved away from LOLC almost 7 years ago. We were in a band called BOB and Short for Robert with Phil Kim! We are now in Lincoln, NE. Ian, we pray for you every day!

Anonymous said...

Ian, Larissa, and the Murphy family...You are all in my prayers. Allie Remsnyder from Harrisburg, PA (Living Hope Church)

Ashley M said...

We don't know you all, but we pray diligently for you!

Patrick and Ashley McBride...Indiana, PA

Anonymous said...

I check the blog daily and continue to pray! My husband I were in young adult group the summer Ian was in our area.

Kim Randolph
Crossway Church of Lancaster, PA

Anonymous said...

Sarah Medler - Covenant Life, Gaithersburg, MD

Anonymous said...

Larissa, I have not met you in person but Mary and Steve are one of my best friends. I used to carry even on my lap and ride him around in my wheelchair when he was a child. You are right, he is shut in and it is with the KING of Love that gave His Son life for Ian! Eileen from Philadelphia

Anonymous said...

I have been praying for Ian since the accident. What a great reminder of truth the blog has been as each of you have shared what God is teaching you! Thank you so much.

Randi Sebastian
Living Hope Church
Harrisburg, PA

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you all!

Love you,
The Hermans, Indiana, PA

Anonymous said...

Ian, I came to your ICU room at the hospital and, though I came to pray for you, God blessed me as well. I'm continuing to pray for you, and know that through you God is continuing to bless me and others. Thanks for fighting!

Shannon from Pittsburgh, PA

Anonymous said...

The Chaney family (Leann and Jenn) from Indiana :)

Angelo said...

Praying for Ian
Angelo Juliani, Pastor
Bridge Community, Philadelphia

Anonymous said...

Jen Thompson

Clarksburg, Maryland
Covenant Life Church

(my mom prays for Ian, too)

Anonymous said...


I am so blessed to see the progress you are making. It might be slow, but you are progressing. Keep on pushing!

I check the blog at least once each day. The testimony of all of you, speaking from the middle of the storm, is such an encouragement to everyone. We pray for you all regularly.

We miss all our friends in Indiana since we moved to Pittsburgh 10 years ago.

We are continuing to pray and watching to see the certain goodness of God clearly displayed.

John Q & Family
Bethel Park, PA

Anonymous said...

We daily ask God to heal you, Ian and bring much glory to His name through it!

Stephen, Jen, and baby Altrogge

Anonymous said...

Praying in Charlotte, NC. May God's faithfulness amaze you every day!

Anonymous said...

I haven't meet you guys but heard about you from friends who asked me to pray I will continue to pray and it has been great reading the updates and progress that ian is making ...
Becca(Covenant Life Church Md)

Anonymous said...


Look at this! You are loved by so many but most of all by your precious heavenly Father who sacrificed His only Son to save you. The greatest gift of all. We are praying in faith for complete restoration.

Kathie Kearney
Indiana, PA

Anonymous said...

Hi Ian and family,
The Bennett's are praying for you daily. Brian, Leland, and Sheldon pray for you after our daily devotional time. We love you and think of you all the time.
Wade & Mary and boys

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you Ian, your family and Larissa. It is so encouraging to read the evidences of how God is powerfully at work.
Deborah Banks-Gaithersburg, MD

Anonymous said...

Dear ones - We pray for you without ceasing. Ian is never far from our thoughts. I check the blog the first thing every morning and the last thing every night and sometimes in between. We expectantly await the day when our faith shall be sight. Ian - the dance floor is waiting.
Love you - Durwood and Brenda Whiteley in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania the Gem of the Endless Mountains (Larissa's Parents)

Anonymous said...

Sarah (Holland) and Abe Piper - Indiana PA

We pray and believe every day for Ian's complete healing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ian--

I am praying for you and your family, that God would be glorified and that He would heal you and keep your family in peace and comfort!

Chris Minich, Lancaster PA

The Brown Family said...

It is an honor and a joy to be praying for your entire family! I am also edified and encouraged every time I read- Gisele from Charlotte

Anonymous said...

Praying in Gaithersburg, MD.
Mark and Amy

The Dowgies said...

Praying for you, Ian! I attend Crossway Church of Lancaster. I have been reading your blog for a couple months now. Your story has been very encouraging to me. Keep pressing on!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ian, I have been praying for you since I heard of your accident through a friend. After letting my Pastor know - our church has been praying for you as well. I check the website almost every day - praying that one day you will be able to tell us what you have been experiencing. Maybe you won't be able to tell us everything, but I sure know you are with the Lord and He is healing you. We ALL pray for the wonderful day when you will be completely healed! With many prayers, Rene (Latrobe PA)

Terry said...

Greetings, Ian!!

Would shake your hand if I was there....but maybe one day!

Terry from Cary, NC

Anonymous said...

Ian, Steve and Mary, and the whole extended family,

Eileen B. has faithfully relayed highlights for many of us in the Philadelphia area. While I personally have been silent - all of you have frequently been in my prayers. The testimony of how the Lord has upheld each of you speaks a powerful message to those who are listening. Given that I grew up in the faith with both Steve and Mary, and my own children are not much younger in age - I have been often captivated by your thoughts and how you each have seen the Lord's leading. I have both prayed and listened with the heart of an overwhelmed parent. I am praying for each of you - that the tender nearness of our Heavenly Father would be the strongest when you are overwhelmed and weak. This has been my experience - and I will continue in prayer for you all.

Mark Andrake
New Life church in Northeast Philadelphia

Carol said...

We are still praying for Ian.

Ivor and Carol Shields, Scotland

Anonymous said...

Ian you are on my heart and in my prayers daily and so are Larissa and the Murphy's. I can't wait to hear about the sweet fellowship you are having with our Lord. I pray that you are being refreshed in the spirit during this time in a way that we can only dream of.

I pray that you are encouraged by all of these entries and that you feel the love and prayers that all around you. I am praising God for you.

Vicki Gold
Sovereign Grace Church of Indiana, PA

Anonymous said...

Great Idea Larissa!

The DeVivo's, from just down the road, will continue to pray until Ian tells us to stop!! We know that God is good and He's good every day so we love to hear about all the little and big things that He is doing in your life Ian. Keep working hard to come back to your wonderful family!

Gary, Susan, Scott, Mark & Kevin

Anonymous said...

I, my family, and my church are all praying for you Ian!

Lydia-Grass Valley, California

Anonymous said...

I can't remember exactly how I came across this blog and your family; but the faithful and earnest desire for God’s will shown through your posts has indelibly impacted my life and pressed me closer to the cross.

Please know you are in my prayers daily.

St. Louis, MO

Kristin Braun said...

I stumbled across this site a while back and have continually been praying for you Ian!

Kristin B, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Anonymous said...

Kim From Arizona reads this blog and prays and thinks about him and his loved ones often! God Bless you guys!

Anonymous said...

Been praying since day 1

4G trauma ICU, presbyterian hospital

Anonymous said...

My parents live across the street from Ian and when my kids were litle and would visit they would play with Ian, Ben and Caleb. Have been following since I first heard about the accident and pray daily for all of you.

viv williams Johnstown, Pa

Anonymous said...

He's on my mind and in my prayers every day. God is good!! We'll be taking random road trips to Pittsburgh soon enough.:) I love you both!!!
Jana (Bethlehem, PA)

Anonymous said...

I miss you... I walk passed your "door" 5 days a week and think of you. I wish you all the strength and courage to continue on your journey of recovery. Wishing you and your family, including Larissa, all the best! Don't forget to visit...
Love, Valerie L --

Anonymous said...

Hey Ian - my family and I are praying for your full healing!

beth paladin

Anonymous said...

I look forward to God's greatness being shown through your full recovery.

Adam Lotinsky - Gaithersburg, MD

Anonymous said...

The cup of suffering, though difficult is still part of His tender mercies..no other fire does such to mold our character and purify our faith!! I am so encouraged by this blog and I do pray for Ian as the Lord brings him to mind. I don't know if I'll ever meet you guys on earth, but I'm looking forward to visiting with you in Christ's kingdom and seeing the beautiful weight of glory that has come from this time. May the mercies of our God be upon you all! May He send you help from His sanctuary! Love in Christ, Nikki R. Beeville, Texas

Anonymous said...

I think of you all often and check updates everyday. Found your blog from Carolyn McCulley's. We are at the SGM church in Kansas City.

Jessica Fisher

Audrey said...

Praying for you Ian.
God Bless~
Damien and Audrey Drago

Anonymous said...

Chris & Emma Marsh
from Sydney, Australia

Anonymous said...

praying for a miracle always.

shannon odell--crossway church of lancaster, pa

Anonymous said...

Ian you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers! Remember that God is an all-powerful, faithful God and he specifically chose you to be his child and he promises that he works everything for good!

Remember his loving promise to you in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

Courtney Minard-Gaithersburg,MD

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and trusting in the faithfulness and power of God. Thanks for the example of faith you all have displayed!
Erin-Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg

Anonymous said...

Eric and Bethany Grover
Toms River, NJ

Anonymous said...

I too check this blog almost every day and pray for Ian's healing. To see your open honesty about your faith and how God is working in your lives really blesses me. It also helps everyone who reads this blog to know how to pray for your family and Ian. I know God will continue to show his grace to you.
Mary Beth Kautz
Leola, PA

Anonymous said...

Hello Ian
I have you in my thoughts and I pray for you often.
God Bless you IAN- Larissa, and all of your family.
Peace to all of you


Anonymous said...

God has much to do for you and through you!
Frank & Donna, Indiana, PA.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading and praying for Ian for about 6 months. All of you, and I mean all of you have been a great source of Godly faith, trust, counsel and true love.
Barbara - Virginia Beach, VA

Anonymous said...

I check in on Ian, Larissa, and his family every single day.
Virginia Beach, VA

Anonymous said...

Our God is so kind and gracious as to allow this wonderful way to encourage Ian! My friend Nicole was in Ian's family group at New Attitude 2 years ago, so that is how I first learned of this blog and have been reading and praying for Ian, his family, and Larissa ever since.

Rachel - Quarryville, PA

Anonymous said...

We know Steve and Mary but not Ian, we have been praying since the beginning and have been amazed by the faith everyone shows. Thank you for being so open so that God can teach us through your witness. I know good things have happened through this sadness. Love and prayers always, Matt and Jocelyn Bash, Curwensville, PA

Kate Stockman said...

God is good, and He is being glorified by the testimony of your faith. I am praying for you all.
Kate Stockman-Fortuna, CA.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ian,
I pray for you and your family daily! I met you when you were just a little tyke...cute as a button and now what a handsome young man you've become!! I am so encouraged by your progress! Please trust that you are loved by many!
Brenda from Chesapeake, VA

Anonymous said...

I've been following this blog ever since I first saw it up on a friend's page. Although I don't know Ian personally, it is a joy to read up on how he's recovering. I'm still praying for you all!
-Joey: Newport News, VA

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys everyday!

Stephanie Somarriba- Crossway Fellowship Church-Athens,Georgia

Anonymous said...

One day this will be Ian:"With a leap he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.
And all the people saw him walking and praising God;" jenny from Stevens Point, WI

Anonymous said...

I have been looking at this blog daily and have been praying for Ian and for all of you! Ian...come on back!
-Amanda Gilligan-Indiana, Pa

Anonymous said...

We're reading and praying regularly in Laytonsville, Maryland.
Drew and Diane

Rach said...

I check and read the blog - it amazing to read and see your faith in this time.

(Northern Ireland)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ian, We have been praying for you for many months, almost since the time of your accident. The messages that your family and Larissa have posted have been very encouraging for us. We wait for the day you will be up and about, and praising God with your body as well as with your spirit.

Richard and Lois Sensenig
members of CrossWay Church, Lancaster, PA
P.S. We travel past Haverstick Films frequently, and think of you every time we do. Mary was a classmate of our daughter Beth at Lancaster Country Day School many years ago.

Anonymous said...

We pray for Ian every day, and eagerly read the blog for news, and also for inspiration. God is using Ian, and all of you, in the lives of countless saints who are encouraged in the faith and strengthened in the Spirit by your faith and humility.
God is sovereign and God is good! We're praying for strength for Ian and Larissa, and all of the Murphys. And we're praying for healing!
Chuck & Elaine (Eli) Price
Covenant Life Church
Gaithersburg, MD

Anonymous said...

Praying for Ian and expecting God to continue to do miraculous things for you all!
Joyce Siegel,Estella,PA

Anonymous said...

We pray for Ian every day, and eagerly read the blog for news, and also for inspiration. God is using Ian, and all of you, in the lives of countless saints who are encouraged in the faith and strengthened in the Spirit by your faith and humility.
God is sovereign and God is good! We're praying for strength for Ian and Larissa, and all of the Murphys. And we're praying for healing!
Chuck & Elaine (Eli) Price
Covenant Life Church
Gaithersburg, MD

Anonymous said...

Ian, know that I have been praying to the One who holds you in the palm of His hands. May you receive COMPLETE healing from our God who is able to more than we can think, ask or imagine!!!!

Dawn Lingenfelter (Indiana, PA)

Anonymous said...

We pray for Ian every day, and eagerly read the blog for news, and also for inspiration. God is using Ian, and all of you, in the lives of countless saints who are encouraged in the faith and strengthened in the Spirit by your faith and humility.
God is sovereign and God is good! We're praying for strength for Ian and Larissa, and all of the Murphys. And we're praying for healing!
Chuck and Elaine Price
Covenant Life Church
Gaithersburg, MD

Jen said...

Dave, Jen, Alethea, Mikaela, Caleb, and Sarah Brewer- Covenant Life Church

Anonymous said...

I've been praying and watching diligently on the blog for updates.

Sara Rankin
Crossway Church of Lancaster, PA

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog and praying for the past couple of months. God will work all things for His glory no matter what!

Stephanie - Monroe, NC

Marge said...

I was a member of Lord of Life when you were born, Ian. Back then it was called Indiana Christian Fellowship. I've known your mom and dad for a looooooong time. My husband and kids and I pray for you every single day.

Marge Sweigart
Charlotte, NC

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the blog so we know how to pray for Ian, the Murphey's, and you.

Connie (Rockville, MD)

Anonymous said...

We've been praying for Ian and the entire family, including Larissa. We know what the world sees as broken can be used of God for great and wondrous things.
Ron, Carolyn Garth & Sage Conner - West Milton, PA

Anonymous said...

We check your blog daily and are praying for Ian, Larissa and the Murphys. Your blog is so encouraging and lifts our eyes to the Lord, even in the midst of your trial.

Mike and Sue Minich and kids, Lancaster PA (formerly of Indiana PA)

Emily said...

Dear Ian, Larissa, & Murphy Family: we've been praying for you since we heard about the accident the day after it happened. As New Attitude attendees we knew imediately who Ian was, and it has been a blessing and an encouragement to read how God has used this situation to bring glory to himself through you all. Keep running the good race! We're trusting God and praying for Ian's continued healing, maybe next Na he can share his testimony!

~The Lewin Family
Grace Community Church (Sov Grace)
Denver, Colorado. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, praying for Ian. That has become a pretty regular thing. Praying for all of his close people too.
Peggy Sucsy, Lubbock TX

Anonymous said...

We pray for you all daily and especially for Ian's healing. The Lord is using you in the lives of many. My neighbor and her husband now pray for you too and ask me regularly what the latest news is with Ian. They have been very affected by your steadfastness and the grace being poured out.
Much love to you all,
Lotinskys in Gaithersburg, MD

Anonymous said...

We have lifted you up, Ian, in prayer before God, asking Him to be merciful. The children's ministry class we teach has been diligent in remembering you in their prayer requests. We suffer together, we even now rejoice together. We are many parts,but one Body, in Christ Jesus, our Savior. We send our love, by the Holy Spirit.
Wes and Marsha Taylor
Providence Church of Pittsburgh

Anonymous said...

I continue to pray for Ian, the Murphys and you too Larissa!

Carina - Simi Valley, CA

Nicole said...

I'm praying for you Ian.
- Nicole Baker from Lancaster, PA

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Larissa,
I've been praying for Ian since that weekend of his accident. It was so good to get to know him at Na last year and the short time he was in Lancaster. By God's grace, I will continue to lift him and all of you to the Lord in prayer.

Sarah Sensenig - Lancaster, PA

Anonymous said...

We go to Calvary Fellowship, Wayne...we love the Hall's and in return love you. We are praying for you everyday! We are praying for God's will and ours for Ian to be healed.
Mark and Barbara Nieweg
Malvern, PA

Anonymous said...

We heard about the accident shortly after it happened. Ever since, we check up on Ian everyday and continually keep praying for him as well as Larissa and the family. This has really showed our family how powerful prayer and the grace of God can be. We pray that he continue to guide each and every one of you as you go through this difficult time and may he bless Ian with complete healing.

-The Bumbarger Family
(Matt, Leona, Andrea, Evan & Bree)
Indiana, PA

Anonymous said...

To the Murphys, Larrisa, and Ian. We pray for you on a regular basis, and for many others. I have no idea what it is like for you people, but I want you to know that I am praying. We have a prayforian.com sticker on our space case on top of the car. I hope Ian is restored soon. Don't lose hope that he will. God has kept him alive so far, and he will continue to do his will.

Sarah Calvetti
Providence Church of Pittsburgh
Mt. Lebanon, PA

Anonymous said...


I have been reading and praying for you since the accident. I didn't know you but your life has blessed so many. My niece Amanda attended youth camp a few years back and she is very very shy and insecure and she said you did all you could to help her at camp. Thank you for reaching out to her. Praying for you and your family everyday.
Paula Miller Kittanning PA

Anonymous said...

Every time I think of you I say a prayer and thank God for the grace that He has already displayed in your life and the lives of Lorissa and your family.
Keep on fighting, you're doing a great job.
Sara Krull
Indiana, PA

m&a said...

great idea, larissa!

we're praying for you like whoa, ian! :)

can't wait until you're better and making us laugh again! miss you!

-matthieu and amber croce
pittsburgh, pa

Anonymous said...

In our thoughts and prayers....

E, T, and L, Boston, MA

Carol said...

Carol Miranda from Crossway Church of Lancaster is definitely praying for Ian. God bless you.

Anonymous said...


I pray for you nearly every day and have been a faithful reader of this blog since its inception. Because of our work on the mission video, I often travel and work with David and he is constant reminder to me of you. We prayed for you a great deal when we were in Bolivia last month. We saw God move wondrously in response to prayer there and we have faith for what He is doing in your life now. Keep fighting the good fight, Ian. You are a trophy of God's grace and a standing stone to many people.

Trusting in Him who overcame death,


Anonymous said...

Leah Perlman from Auburn, PA (I attend the Reading, PA sovereign grace church)

Anonymous said...

I have not seen Ian since he was a little baby. However, I somehow became connected with this blog just days after the accident. I have been praying for you regularly since that day.
Trish from Pittsburgh

Unknown said...

I'm definitely praying for you, Ian, and the Murphy family. It's been amazing to watch how God's poured grace upon this situation.
~* Kiera Minich
Lancaster, Pa.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ian,

Our God is so good and died on the cross for your total restoration. I have been standing in prayer for you and will continue to do so.


rebekah (a friend of a friend of a friend!)

Anonymous said...

I only met Ian once, for like 2 minutes inside a Sheetz gas station, but I've been reading the blog since about a week after the accident. I will keep praying for a miraculous recovery! God is good!!!!!

Anja- New York City
(Joe Saylor's girlfriend)

Anonymous said...

We are daily praying for God to meet you every need. It's encouraging to see what God has already done.

The Botsford's Indiana, PA

Emily said...

Praying, and love reading!

Emily Goldberg- Columbia, MD

Anonymous said...

Maëlys, a lot of my 5th graders parents, and my co-workers :)
Winchester, VA

Anonymous said...

Although we cant keep up with the blog the way we could a few months ago now that I am commuting further and Brennon is demanding more of Christie's time we are nevertheless encouraged by all that God is doing in your lives and the glory of Christ that is displayed in all the posts. We more often get second hand news which can be all the more encouraging because of the emotion that comes through in the caring voice of people who care very much for Ian. I pray now that the Holy Spirit would guide many to pray more often and more fervently for Ian, including myself and in unison with everyone else who is praying, that our LORD would heal him fully before this day ends. Praise be to God in ALL things.
-Erik, Christie & Brennon Huff

Anonymous said...

Tonight while praying with the kids, Hunter was thanking God that you where able to come to church and be with your church family. Then he prayed that you would be completely healed and able to worship and sing praise. Parker and Emily prayed for your voice to come back. Your family is a great example to so many people of their love for Jesus Christ. You are prayed for everyday by the Scherf's.
Kristy and John Scherf, Indiana,PA

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful for your blog. You all have been an encouragement to me as I see how you are walking through your trials. Continue to turn to the Lord....His grace is sufficient. I pray for you all every time that you come to mind.

Kendra Herr-Crossway Church of Lancaster, PA

Anonymous said...

Been praying for ALL of you since the outset, and will continue to do so as God holds Ian in his hand and COMPLETELY heals him.
In his grip...Roger Lucas, Gaithersburg, Md.

Anonymous said...

I have heard about Ian and Larissa through friends who went to LOLC in Indiana. I went to IUP, but wish I had gotten to know both of you -- you seem to have an incredible spirit. Your devotion and faith is inspiring and has motivated me to reconsider the strength of my own faith. I pray for Ian, his family, and Larissa daily.

Anonymous said...

Larissa and Murphys,

I read this blog every single day and find myself praying along with all of the others who are interceeding for Ian. God is faithful. All who trust in Him shall NEVER be disappointed.

Linda Morris-Columbus, GA

Anonymous said...

I've never met any of you but I am praying for you continually.

Emily, Indiana, PA

Anonymous said...

Love you, Ian.
Always praying :o)
-- Cousin Jessie

Anonymous said...

Ian, Larissa, Steve, Mary, Bejam, Caleb, Devin and Lydia - I pray for you every day! My church family at home in Michigan is praying too. Thank you for your encouraging posts, and your humble strength.

-Diane Rocheleau

Delian said...

Hey, I'm Delian Cornfield, I knew about you from PJ Kemerer who is living with my family here in Corning NY. I remember the first night you got in the crash and PJ telling me that you had a few hours to live, then after spending time in prayer the next day learning that you were still with us. Since then I have been reading this blog seeing how you've been doing!
Still praying. Trusting God! I can't wait till you're healed!

Anonymous said...

My heart aches for you all, but God is still such an amazing God, and to be able to glorify His name through suffering is such an amazing thing. Thank you for being amazing witnesses to the steadfastness of Christ's love for us in the midst of trial. Praying for Ian.
Julia Swanson Madison, WI

Anonymous said...

Jer and I are praying for you. I know God is holding you close while you walk this difficult journey. I am waiting patienty to read your next short story. Keep up the good work. Sandy and Jeremia Kimmel

Ellen T said...

Thinking and praying for you!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you often!
Jennie Battaglia
Atlanta, Georgia

Damien Drago said...

The Dragos are praying for you all.
Reading, PA

Anonymous said...

I check your blog daily for updates...will keep praying...

~krissy evans, Pittsburgh, PA

Unknown said...

i dont know you guys and live all the way in southern california. but i check your blog on a daily basis and lift all of you up in prayers constantly. how you all handle this is such an encouragement to me. larissa, you are an amazing woman and such an example!! thank you all for ministering to me in such a God-honoring way. may you all keep strong in the Lord, knowing that He does not withold any good thing from those that He loves.

Roberto said...

Ian, you're in my prayers, and those of so many other people. I can't wait to hear from you all of the great things God's been doing and showing you in this time!

Robert Brockman in Kittanning, PA

Anonymous said...

Your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ continues to encourage me greatly. Thank you. I feel so keenly your kinship in our Lord, though I've never met you. You all remain in my prayers,


Anonymous said...

I check your blog everyday and pray for all of you often. Thank you for keeping us updated with this blog. What a blessing you have been to us.
Carol Landis from Crossway Ch of Lancaster (Jeremy Landis's mom)

Anonymous said...

We pray for you, Larissa and your family everyday Ian. We also check the blog pretty much daily.

Scott, Lisa, Justin and Ashley Adams

Anonymous said...

Kristin. Harrisburg, PA/ Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and checking the blog everyday from New Orleans.

(friend of the Bergers at Lakeview Christian Center)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting these encouraging messages. Know that I am praying for you, as well as my home church and youth group kids.
Diana DiGiacomo, Oxford, PA

Anonymous said...

Came across your blog awhile back and it has been a great encouragement as some close friends have recently been facing very similar circumstances. I pray for you often!
Kris, Melbourne, Australia.

Anonymous said...

Lanie from Crossway Community Church-Charlotte, NC

Anonymous said...

Steve, Mary and Larissa

Though not present with you. I am pleased at least be near you via prayer and the great Hope of Christ the we share in our hearts.
Always thinking of you.
Wayne Chapman - Philadelphia, Pa.

Jack and Gina Plain said...

Ian, Larissa, and the Murphys,

We pray for you daily and check the blog at least once a day. Ian, even in your silence and your suffering, your life is a witness and an encouragement. Reading the blog is like walking on holy ground. God's grace is so evident, and our thoughts are pointed heavenward as we read about you, Ian, and your life before and after the accident, and as we see God's hand on you and on your dear Larissa and your family. Thank you Larissa, and Steve (and others) for taking the time to share so that we can pray specifically and so that we are encouraged daily with your insights.
Gina Plain for my family (We attend Crossway church of Lancaster)

Anonymous said...

God is faithful, Ian. Murphys, I think of and pray for you often. And Larissa, you are also an inspiration to me! Thanks for your example trust and perseverance. May God's grace continue to strengthen you all, and bring Ian back speedily!

Justin, Pittsburgh

Anonymous said...

Like so many others, I have never met you but have been praying for Ian and all of you since I learned of the accident just days after it happened. Your sincere honesty in your faith and struggles have been a blessing and encouragement.
Marcie S. - Colorado Springs, CO

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness...
look at everyone praying -
and this isn't everyone...


you know i'm here...
and praying a lot.

Anonymous said...


God’s greatness is illustrated in the unshaken faith that you, Ian’s parents, his family, & his friends have shown on this blog. It is so encouraging and profound to me how you all react, staying level-headed, continually trusting in God, and persisting to “keep knocking on his door” to heal Ian. It’s surreal to me that I can witness God’s grace, in the fact that I never imagined that I could care so much about and miss someone that I have never even met. In Christ, all things are possible. I feel that one of the most awesome things is that Ian has helped me, someone he’s never met, grow in my faith and learn to better put all my trust in the Lord. That is magnificent to me. I pray that the Lord completely heals & restores Ian physically, mentally, emotionally, personality-wise, & of course spiritually. Ian, you, & the Murphys are in my prayers everyday. You guys are moving mountains & touching so many people’s lives. Stay strong, stand firm, & continue trusting in our always loving, ever merciful, & forever faithful Lord God.

With Love from Above,
Abba Kris Maria B. Dela Cruz
New Milford, N.J.

Anonymous said...


God’s greatness is illustrated in the unshaken faith that you, Ian’s parents, his family, & his friends have shown on this blog. It is so encouraging and profound to me how you all react, staying level-headed, continually trusting in God, and persisting to “keep knocking on his door” to heal Ian. It’s surreal to me that I can witness God’s grace, in the fact that I never imagined that I could care so much about and miss someone that I have never even met. In Christ, all things are possible. I feel that one of the most awesome things is that Ian has helped me, someone he’s never met, grow in my faith and learn to better put all my trust in the Lord. That is magnificent to me. I pray that the Lord completely heals & restores Ian physically, mentally, emotionally, personality-wise, & of course spiritually. Ian, you, & the Murphys are in my prayers everyday. You guys are moving mountains & touching so many people’s lives. Stay strong, stand firm, & continue trusting in our always loving, ever merciful, & forever faithful Lord God.

With Love from Above,
Abba Kris Maria B. Dela Cruz
New Milford, N.J.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you every day Ian

Tell Ian I've got a feed to his blog on my RSS reader, he'd laugh at what a geek I am but I haven't missed a post yet.

God is good,

Mike Hartnett - Gaithersburg, MD

Genevieve said...

Praying daily for Ian. May our Lord support you in His everlasting arms, Ian, and to the Murphy family and Larissa, may our gracious Savior comfort you and grant you strength at this time. He is faithful, and He is able to answer abundantly beyond what we ask or think. Praying for another miracle!

Jenna in California

Anonymous said...

This is Tim from Switzerland, cousin of Eileen B.

Sending our love over the big pond in hope of you awakening.

Anonymous said...


Celeste in Ireland

Anonymous said...

God is faithful, and we are reading, rejoicing in what God has done and will continue to do; as well as praying for you. Thank you Steve, Mary and Larissa for the way that you bring much glory and honor to the Savior.
Tim & Cindy Campbell
Covenant Fellowship Church
Drexel Hill, PA

Anonymous said...

We are continuing to ask the Lord to completely restore Ian to health and wholeness. Our son Jon continues to pray every night (as he has since the accident) "God, thank you for waking Ian up." Yes. Thank God, in advance, for waking Ian up.
Love you all! Janet Shilling

Anonymous said...

Ian, Larissa and the Murphy family....Thank you for allowing so many to share in this journey. It is such a blessing to be able to pray so specifically for Ian and all of you. The strength of your faith has been incredible.... an inspiration to me and to many others I am certain!
Brenda E. - Plumville, PA

Anonymous said...

Kelly from Wenham, MA and Kyiv, Ukraine

Anonymous said...

I have been praying almost daily since the accident... and will continue till our prayers are prayers of rejoicing at Ian's full healing
- Paul Medler, Gaithersburg, MD

Anonymous said...

I am here daily if not more, praying for Ian, you and his family. I am so very proud of you and find your writings amazing yet heart wrenching! Would like to meet your western PA family some day,,the day Ian is healed would be a great day to rejoice with all!
I love you,
A.Faye (Muncy, PA)

Jean said...

Jean Mays and family - Gaithersburg, MD

Anonymous said...

We have been reading and praying.
It has been encouraging to hear how God continues to work to heal Ian and to see him able to come to church again.
Brian and Katie Wolfe

Anonymous said...

Larissa, yes I read it often and inspired by all the messages that I read. My prayers are with Ian and my thoughts are with all of you and your lovely family. God bless. Azad

Anonymous said...

I've been praying for Ian every day now. I met him on the set of "Home" last summer.

Springfield, NJ

Anonymous said...

Dear Ian,
Praying for you with my class in Fredericksburg, VA Fredericksburg Christian School prays for your complete healing. May God bless you richly as you bless others! Robin Clay

Anonymous said...

Tina from New Orleans, LA

Anonymous said...

Rachel from Raleigh, NC

Anonymous said...

I don't know Ian, but I have been praying for him and his entire family, and Larissa. I heard of Ian through Jana Emeigh. May our great and mighty God continue to heal Ian, and one day may he tell others about God's miraculous touch in his life! God bless you all.

Lisa Rader- Bethlehem, PA

Anonymous said...

Ian I've been praying for you and those who are with you. God is faithful and his plans will NOT be thwarted!
Beejee Herr Crossway Church, Lancaster,PA

Anonymous said...

Praying daily for you.
Tyrone, PA

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