Nov 8, 2012

stepping heavenward

this may have been posted by us before, but while trying to motivate my own words to leave my mind and jump onto the page, i found myself on this paragraph again. it's in an old favorite, "stepping heavenward," by elizabeth prentiss.

"and now if you ask how you may know that you have truly consecrated yourself to him, i reply, observe every indication of his will concerning you, no matter how trivial, and see whether you at once close in with that will. lay down this principle as law - God does nothing arbitrary. if He takes away your health, for instance, it is because He has some reason in doing so; and this is true of everything of value; and if you have real faith in Him, you will not insist on knowing the reason."


Anonymous said...

oh wow. His ways are higher!

Michelle said...

Thank you, Larissa & Ian---for sharing your lives with us. Your story and your lives are a living testimony. I wish I could put into words of how your testimony is ministering to my heart. I just want you to know that God is using your marriage and your lives for His glory. I continue to pray for you both. Much love!

Anonymous said...

No, we cannot insist on knowing the reason. God doesn't share it, and that is obviously by His design.

He's refining us, Larissa...and, it's no fun process. But life is still sweet because He is the reward.

Love how you love your husband. Keep writing.

Susie Tiemeyer

Kristy said...

I SO love her writing...especially that book.

Continuing to pray for you and Ian.

Leah E. said...

Amen, what a great quote.:)
Yes, that books is really amazing!

Lindsay Droll said...

God desires us to heal and grow in Him with that...praying for healing for you both right now.