Dec 14, 2010

A message from Ian as we talked about god's ability, but not guarantee, to heal him:

"my affliction has kept me closer to god because im always asking for his help. he's lord and i'm aware of it."

i have tons to learn from my husband.


Mike, Lori & the girls said...

I don't know what to say. I have so many questions - why does it often take trauma & trouble to make us run to God & stay there with Him? I wish it didn't have to be this way.... I guess it just makes us long for Heaven. This world is not our home.
I love you both,
Aunt Lori

Amber said...

What a faithful child of God. We have all learned so much from your story. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I does seem like we seek Him more when we are suffering. When life is easy we seem to "not need Him" so intensely.
Life is hard. He is good; always.
Thinking of you both.
Encouraged by Ian's Christ honoring post! Thanks, Ian!!
Wendy in MD

cynthia haughery said...

Thank you. This is such a helpful perspective.

My prayers for you have increased and changed through the years now. It seems to me that the Lord is intent on using you both in ways yet unimaginable.

Cynthia Haughery