Feb 24, 2010


My heart does not have a natural inclination to gratefulness. I've seen this pattern so many times especially in my life with Ian. I pray for mercies and small evidences of healing, and then when they come, I get used to them and forget where we have come from. Instead, I grow discontent because I want more and more healing. Living with a hope deferred is a very tricky thing.

Today I want to remember at least one thing to be thankful for- swimming. Last night Ian and I went to Zink pool and got in the water with just the help of the lifeguard. Once we were down the ramp, we were able to be by ourselves. Last summer, getting in the water took me, Steve and Caleb. And someone had to be next to us the whole time. Even transfers, something that used to take at least two people, is something that the two of us can do by ourselves. And we don't need to use that silly hoyer lift anymore. Ian's strong enough to do it on his own. And he gets mad at me when I do a "horrible transfer", in his own words- but that just makes me laugh because it's a wonderful thing that he can get annoyed at me.

There are still many things left undone in Ian, and many things that we long to see in him. At least for today, I need to remember mercy.



Anonymous said...

I was reading in Phillipians this morning and thought of Ian's post from a few days ago.
"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body" (3:20-21)

Keep working hard Ian!
~Future sister-in-law :)

1.21roots said...

Thank you for sharing this. I am not inclined towards gratefulness either in a situation right now in our lives.

My 9 month old daughter was born with some pretty severe GI problems. While her GI problems are getting better, thank you Lord, they have had other ramifications in her life, like bad sleep patterns. Her sleep has gotten disrupted so much through the months by painful acid reflux and other issues.

So, now we might be dealing with bad sleep habits that are hard to break, even when her GI issues are completely resolved.

I was just telling a friend today that I have a hard time remembering to thank God for how far she has come compared to how bad things were when she was born because of the sleep problems.

I just wanted to share that with you because, although different situations, I'm learning a similar lesson. I know that if we can continue to have grateful hearts- that keeps us humble and trusting- no matter the circumstances.

I read a great book called As Silver Refined by Kay Arthur last month. It has really helped me in dealing with my daughter's situation and trusting God in life's trials.

Thanks for continuing to share your story.

Wendy Glosser said...

First of all, we have never met and may never get to meet this side of Heaven but you and Ian have become important to me. I cried at this post because I don't really know the details of your journey except that Ian is improving. I'm so thankful for you that there has been such a great amount of healing. Thank you for sharing that!
Praying for you in Oklahoma!!!

Anonymous said...

The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail, They are new every morning! Great is Thy faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him."
Lamentations 3:23-25

I love you both,
aunt terry

Lisa said...

You will get better at being grateful as you practice it! Don't give up!