I asked Ian what he thought that almost 500 people read our blog each day. He said "awesome God."
Had our first session of pre-marital counseling. Never thought we'd make it to this point!!!
Thanks for praying. Ian asked for prayer for his therapy.
Beautiful picture of you guys. I pray for you often and am excited for your wedding. God is so great.
EVERY day, you are in my prayers, Ian - as is Larissa and your whole family. You are an inspiration to me and many others. Our Father is using you to serve. May He continue to bless you - as you go through your therapy and ESPECIALLY in your, upcoming, marriage!! Continuous prayers,
Rene (Altoona) P.S. Through you, I found the Altoona S.G. church. TY!
Not sure if I've ever said this to you. You are MY favourite couple of all time. You teach and encourage me everyday to continue to HOPE and NEVER TO GIVE UP on our God even amidst truly great difficulties. Remembering you both all the time.
My life verses this year...Deuteronomy 33:26-27
Liz, UK
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