Ian was laying in his bed watching a football game yesterday, and I plopped myself in his wheelchair and joined him. At one point I got up to go get a snack, and I thought of the deer bologna Bill gave us. I got the bologna and a knife, sat down again in Ian's wheelchair beside him and started slicing off some pieces. After a couple pieces I looked over at Ian. Two and a half years ago I wouldn't have given a second thought to offering to cut him a couple slices, but that's not something I would have thought of doing since the wreck...until now. I was actually a little surprised by the thought, but so many things have changed in the last couple months I knew it was a reasonable thing now. I said, "Hey Ian! You want some this?" Immediately he gave me a thumbs up. So, I cut a thin slice for him, held it in front of him and with his thumb and forefinger he took it from my hand and ate it. Over and over I shared deer bologna with him that way...watching a football game.
Praise the Lord!
It's sounds like God's doing something wonderful for Ian.
We'll continue praying for his health.
God bless.
I take that as an admission that you Steve, and Ian as well, are full of bologna!
Steve, that is so very cool!
I saw at church yesterday that Ian seemed to be "conversing" with some folks around him...he was quite animated, making lots of gestures!
Praying for a Happy, Blessed 2009 and I have a feeling that in this year, Ian is going to amaze you and the rest of us even more and more!!!
Still Praying!
Mary Ann K.
V-E-R-Y cool, Steve. What an encouragement for continuing bold prayer before our Father...
Sure tugs at my heart!
So happy to hear of such progress in the last few posts from you and Larissa.
When I first started reading this post, I thought Larissa was the one who wrote it. It shocked me to think she would be eating deer bologna AND watching football!!? :)
(I was glad to find that it was Steve...)
Keep working hard Ian...God continues to amaze us through your life!
Continuing in prayer,
God is good all the time.
Reading this blog, silently(except for one time :)) over the past year has helped me so much.
I thank you for sharing your life with us. Steve, God is so wonderfully great. Larissa, I can't stop thanking God for you. Ian, to God be all glory.
So Bill got a dear, well good for him. And good for all of you too, nothing like deer bologna to remind you we all live in western PA. All this part of the Plan that is evidenced in the small things that give us a porthole into the Grand Scheme of eternity. God's Kindness overwhelms me.
I agree...COOL!!!!
Ian has been in my thoughts for many weeks. I have not looked at this post for probably over a year. I am so happy to see that first, he is alive....I know that sounds morbid, but it was something I was concerned aboout...and also, that he seems to be thriving. The faith I see in this blog used to really lift me up..and I guess I'm a bit selfish reading it again...but, keep up the blog/...it's an inspiration. I know that god is real..and he is working through Ian. Your faith is touching others and i hope that it reflects back on Ian 1 million times plus.
It's great to keep hearing news like this! Praise the Lord!
Steve, Thanks for reminding us that the simple things in life are the times to be cherished. In todays complicated life we forget easily. This is extremely cool and we will pray for many more of these blessings.
God will bless
The Minori's
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