Oct 15, 2007

You have only to be silent

This is one of the photos that hangs in our house; it's Caleb, Ben, and Ian.

I was struck recently by a phrase in Exodus 14. The people of Israel were backed up against the sea with the Egyptian army pursuing them. They were afraid, and they were accusing Moses of leading them out into the desert to die. Moses responded with a specific promise that the Egyptians would be overthrown, but what struck me was what he said after that. He told them that the Lord would fight for them. He told them, "you have only to be silent." What a posture of trust God required of them! They had no where to run from an army that, from their perspective, was about to slaughter them, and they were simply to stay put and be quiet. It seems, though, that the Lord would require a similar posture of every believer no matter what their situation. We may not be required to stay put but to move forward. Both require the same posture, though. What a challenge to me in this situation with Ian. I have only to be silent and wait for the Lord. Help me, Lord.

Ian continues to surprise us with the things that he's able to do. Today, Heather asked him to lift his knees to his chest while he laid on his back. She had a strap around his knees to help him, but when she asked him to do it he did. They did that a few times. Small steps.

Thank you for your prayers.



Anonymous said...

Praying everday that Ian's body will be restored to its full health.

Moriah Freeman
Crossway Church of Lancaster

Anonymous said...

exodus 14 is one of my most favorite chapters...

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Steve!
You all continue to be such an encouragement to me.
My family prays daily for Ian.

Rochelle Calvetti
Providence Church of Pittsburgh

Anonymous said...

You only have to be silent. Six words that are amazing in their simplicity...yet in the face of the Israelites and Ian is facing...they are astounding. Steve I will never be able to fully thank you for walking through this valley and pointing us to the Lord...I know it is a struggle at best to do so, and then God gives you a word like this which encourages so many you will never know. Loving and praying from the valley as well...

Pray for Ian said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Desiree!