Nov 29, 2006

Praise and Prayer

Ian was transferred to Children's Institute this afternoon- praise God! He's now in his own clothes and tonight he'll be getting his first shower- yay!

Ian's new doctor said that he looks really great. However, we have a need for prayer. His trach needs to be replaced and when his doctor tried today, she couldn't get it out. She will try again tomorrow, Thursday, but if she still can't get it he will need to see an ear, nose and throat doctor, which would require him going back to an ER and hospital room to have the surgery done. Please pray that the doctor at Children's would be able to remove his trach tomorrow so that he doesn't have to be transported again.

Thank you all for your prayers.


1 comment:

Ellen T said...

That is such an encouragement to hear of his transfer and getting to some new things like a shower and clothes.
Keep going Lord!! We need your help for Ian.