Oct 23, 2006

Recount the Mercies of God

I believe the time has come to recount the mercies God has already shown us in our prayers for Ian.

  • God spared Ian from death in the initial car wreck. He kept Ian alive amidst the mangled wreckage that we might lift prayers on his behalf.
  • God spared Ian when his brain was dying. Doctors gave him 2-4 hours to live. In his astonishing mercy, God again spared Ian's life, allowing us to lift more prayers on his behalf.
  • God touched Ian's knee. The doctors went in, expecting to repair a destroyed ligament. Instead they found a ligament that needed very little work at all. How kind of God!
  • Ian is breathing on his own, without the respirator. His heart is strong. His fever is down. God is preserving Ian!

Thank you Father for the mercies you have given Ian. Thank you for how you have already answered so many of our prayers!

Doesn't this encourage you to pray all the more fervently that God would wake Ian's sleeping brain! God is an astonishingly lavish God and I don't believe that we have reached the end of his mercies. He has already poured out incredible mercy on Ian thus far. This encourages me that He desires to continue to pour out his mercy. Let's pray that God would pour out more mercy on Ian by waking him up. For His glory alone...

-Stephen A

1 comment:

Ellen T said...

Yes, indeed these points of thanks and testimonies of God's faithfulness certainly do encourage me!! I love to recall His goodness and especially in this case. How incredible is His love towards us.