Aug 28, 2012

one beautiful day, two good men

from a journal:


"God is very kind to us. we found out yesterday that your jaw isn't broken, your eeg results were fine, and they cancelled your plastic surgery appointment tomorrow because your wound looks so good. also, this morning you were coughing as if maybe you were going to throw up, so the nurse asked you if you were ok and you said "uh huh." they asked you again and you did it again! God is so kind. and you did it in front of two head nurses and your doctor! i'd been praying that you would get your voice back soon and it seems as if you are well on your way. God is very gracious to us. you were really awake for me today. you were working really hard to bring your washcloth to your face, even when the therapists were done asking you to do it."

this voice did come back, even in a very tired body. and this meant that things could change.


"trusting God - the story of my walk with the Lord this far. last night steve had a long talk with me and then with Ian about marriage. we're starting to talk about it more seriously i guess. it makes me really nervous and really excited at the same time. i really believe though that ian needs to be in a different place physically for our marriage to work. but then again, what will that look like? what exactly are we waiting for? i'm not sure. but it's weird to think that we could be married soon. it's all wonderful, but if ian stays the same as he is now, it certainly won't be what we imagined it to be.

but when i look at my life through the lens of the gospel, marriage to ian looks very sweet and wonderful, even if we were to be married tomorrow. God has given me a deep love, joy and attraction to ian, that has only increased in the last three years. when i am away from ian, i want to die. not literally, but i don't enjoy it. and nothing brings a smile to my face like seeing ian, and hearing him talk, and hearing him laugh.

all of this talk though forces me onto my knees at the foot of the cross, acknowledging that i have absolutely no idea what is best for my life or ian's, or what would honor the Lord most. so we will keep praying."

we did keep praying. as did steve. and then cancer came. and steve went. but not before he taught us to take marriage seriously, and to keep God big in our minds.

we did. on his birthday in 2010. two years ago today. standing at the top of the hill, my arm resting in my dad's elbow, a quick breeze came through the corn stalks rustling behind us. the sadness of his absence welled.

my dad walked me, both weak, unsure but happy, toward my waiting, disabled fiance. the summer air greeted us and i'm sure God was there in it. my sweet, sweet ian, he was there. so very happy to marry me. my best friend. next to his best friend, who helped him to stand. and we met God there and we said yes.

i dont know if we have birthdays in heaven, but steve you are so missed by us. today, but always.

and ian, you may not read this unless someone reads it to you. but nothing here is a better gift to me than you. and no words describe what you do for me and my heart. through oceans of grief and loss, from being trapped in that car to now holding my arm as you fall asleep, you are a delight. thank you, for not being afraid of what you couldn't do as a husband, for not choosing to give up, for somehow loving me. you every day help me to want heaven more.

the words you sang to me on my voicemail, weeks before your accident, are a ditto:

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life

i love you. and our two years. may many more follow.

your wifey


  1. Simply beautiful. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Heaven smiles at these words, and God is glorified.

  3. Happy Anniversary! I hope it's filled with lots of the Lord's blessings.

  4. What a beautiful testimony for what God has done, is doing, and the hopes for what He will do! Thank you for sharing and Happy Anniversary!

  5. Anonymous28.8.12

    Thanks Larissa. Love you both. --Jessie k.

  6. Ian and Larissa, it is awesome that even though we don't know each other, we share a special day... today is both my birthday, AND my 25th anniversary with my hunny - Tiffani. I chose the date so I'd never forget my anniversary. It's worked for all these years, so I guess it was a good choice.

    May the Lord bless your marriage - today - and EVERYDAY yet to come! And may you enjoy MANY more anniversaries in the years ahead.


  7. Happy Anniversary!! Excited to see what God does in your lives in the coming year!

  8. Anonymous28.8.12

    Happy, Happy Anniversary You Two!! You are so loved by so many...Maria

  9. You sure know how to make a girl cry and blubber and smear all her make up!

    My tears are ones of happiness, I am so so happy and rejoicing so much with you each day and especially as you celebrate this 2 year mark. In a sense its whizzed past, I still remember crying at the wedding video 2 years ago(can't believe it was that long ago!), and yet in other ways it's going slowly, it must have because you both have grown soooo much and continue to grow sooo much.

    You just continue to inspire me more and more each day and I'm so grateful for that.

    Prayers continue.

    Liz , UK

  10. joanruiz53@yahoo.es28.8.12

    Dear Larissa

    12 Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, HITHERTO HAS THE LORD HELPED US.1 Samuel 7:12

    God willing, may you say the same many years

  11. This was stunningly beautiful. Happy anniversary!

  12. God bless you two on your anniversary. May you have many more sleepovers with your best friend!

    A random blog follower

  13. You both, Ian & Larissa are exceedingly blessed & Happier ♫PTL♫"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.~Philippians 4:4

  14. Anonymous29.8.12

    i see God's love, so real, in your marriage, in your life and in ian. thanks for making an impact on my life, eventhough we don't know each other.

    the Lord's grace and mercies are new every morning (: every morning is the start of a day worth praising Him for!

  15. Happy Anniversary!!! I was watching your video again yesterday and realized it was ur anniversary. God Bless you'll!

  16. Anonymous30.8.12

    tears of joy coming out from me. Because there is victory over these trials. Love triumphs. Always.
